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I stopped smoking!

and immediately eating more!! I'm trying to offset it and keep more active at the same time so I wont eat to much more. the first day though,home made chocolate peanut butter cookies, ice cream (my weakness)
I did buy lots of fruit, veggies & bars..
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9 Replies

Congrats on stopping smoking. I have not stopped yet. I keep a veggie and fruit tray in the fridge and have quit buying chips (my weakness). Instead when we want chips I make them homemade so there isn't a whole bag sitting in the pantry. I don't eat sweets at all so that is not a problem for me but put some dip and chips out and it is over! I love salty stuff. 🙂
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Weight gain is just one of those things that most have to accept and deal with. But deal with it LATER. Your quit is the #1 priority right now. My doctor said to me that being a smoker is the same as being 70 pounds overweight health-wise.

Try to eat healthy snacks. I'm keeping lots of fruits and veggies in the house and drinking LOTS of water. However, don't deny yourself some rewards. I had a BIG serving of snack mix for lunch today instead of fruit or a salad. You deserve to reward yourself from time to time.

Keep active, mentally and physically. I actually ENJOY exercising now! Probably because now at Day 19 my endurance is much better than it's been in years.

Best of luck to you Michelle!
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Very encouraging Babs~! Thank you~! I just rewarded myself with ice cream! day 7 now smoke free!
Made homemade fresh quesidillas with all fresh veggies & herbs from my garden for dinner!
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Good for you! You can eat healthy with just a little bit of effort. And no reason to deprive yourself of some treats from time to time (the key is "time to time"). I don't have a big sweet tooth but I'll tell you I've eaten more chocolate in the past three weeks than I probably do in six months. But I'm also eating lots of fruits and veggies. And drinking tons of water.

You are at Day Seven which means the end of HELL WEEK. It will begin to get easier of the next few days. I am now at Week Three so I know, it does get better. Give yourself a pat on the back for making it through the roughest week!

BTW I LOVE quesadillas! Especially with fresh veggies right from the garden. Yum, yum, yum (let me know when you're making them again and I'll be over for dinner!). A trick I learned....I LOVE cheese but can't have too much of it due to the Satured Fat, so I substitute a bunch of the cheese in stuff like quesdillas with refried beans. Tastes just as good and is much better for you!
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I guess that means I can gain more weight I am 50 lbs now. You will still feel better not smoking even with the weight gain. I go hiking in the mountains it is not as easy being overweight but I can tell you walking up hill and being a smoker is alot harder than being 50 lbs overweight. I am now getting to the point where ok I am 1 yr smoke free now I need to be thin again. I find myself snacking the same times I chain smoked
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trying to stay active but can be tough with this hot humid weather we've had this week but I shouldn't complain!!
Trying to drink more water instead of easting but I hate drinking water so drinking alot more iced teas which I'm blended and making up my own creations which has been fun and I'm drinking alot!! I consider it water intake since it's made of mostly water.. Flavored water right??? ;o))
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I used to smoke when I felt the need to snack. I'm only in day 6 being smoke-free and all I want to do is eat (can't seem to feel full). This is totally killing me. I am so tired and hungry without my smokes. I keep hoping that I will wake up one morning and just be normal (no cravings ... nicotine or food). I want to be free from all of these addictions. Hope I don't sound hopeless... I'm hanging in there; but, I have a lot of work ahead of me.
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Good for you!hang in there.. It'll get better!
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HI! Congrats on your quit!! I had the same problem when i first quit. I'm still eating all the time. The more active you are the more your body requires food. I have an 8yr.old who eats all the time (like every 1 to 2 hrs. it seams) but he is very active and burns it up so fast. You also have to think you have been starving your body from its nutrients because of the smoking instead of eating, and now your body is like hey what is this stuff. It wants more! Food is not a bad thing and we need it to survive, just chang some of your eating habits. I stopped sodas, and anything that isn't sugar free, and started drinking more water than before. Sodas was a trigger for me so when I quit smoking I quit that too. I eat fruits and veggies and more salads. I don't eat fast food. just do alot af research on the fat burning foods. Good luck and stay strong!
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