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Get Movin' 6/18/17

Today I biked 2.17 miles in 20 minutes around 1:30p.  Wanted to keep going mentally, but the wind was brutal and I was worn out.  After I returned home, I realized that duh, I hadn't eaten anything but a Special K Nourish bar (which are like having a candy bar for breakfast) about 11am and had a Starbucks Double Shot around 10am.  How am I doing on that whole nutrition thing do ya think?

Are these weeks running Saturday-Saturday or Sunday-Sunday?  

And what did you guys do today, or am I the only one behind this week?

I Like To Move It Official Music Video - YouTube 

Just so you too can have this song stuck in your head! I know, I am too're welcome.  


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I limp/dragged  for 2 1/2 miles and weeded and spread mulch around two huge trees  - and in that heat, I was DONE after that.  If you are keeping count, I have three more gardens to get done....maybe tomorrow if the temp moderates.

Had to water this evening, so that was a few more steps and I guess dragging a hose on crutches has to count for SOMETHING, right?


If I understand the challenge correctly, any movement counts.  I personally think since you are on crutches, you get double points because of the balancing it requires.




She absolutely gets double points, she goes and goes and goes.  I cleaned house, made tomato sauce, and had my son and his family for dinner.  Went down the stairs and back up at least five times trying to get my husband to focus...dear God, does mental activity count?  He showed up for dinner in a bright red Hawaiian shirt and camo shorts.  Who IS this person?  He could not sit still for dinner and kept getting up and going into his room to check things on the computer or down to the basement to look for things that he could not remember when he got there.  Let me tell you, living with someone with early onset of dementia is HELL, I have a deep respect for those who have had to do it.  I am not sure I am well equipped.  My daughter in law said she had to turn around when she saw him because he was dressed so ridiculously....she could not believe it.  OMG, I am going to lose my mind.  It is supposed to rain all day tomorrow and I SO WANT to go to my friend's pool if I can.  I NEED that workout.  It helps me more than anything else.

I honestly don't know whether we go from Sunday to Sunday or Saturday to Saturday...I just make it a point to keep matter what.  No matter how much it hurts or how much I think I cannot go one more step.  



I am sorry to hear about your husband. My Dad has a friend whose wife suffers and it is very hard to watch, yet incredible at the same time. The whole gang helps watch out for her and tries to support him. You have my admiration and respect.

You know, if it isn't lightening, you could go dance in the rain. Yes, I am serious. Splash in some puddles, shake your booty and just act like a kid. Sure, the men with the white jacket might come, but they might be hot and dance with you!

Just a thought... 

Thanks last,



I like Diannnnn‌'s response - ANY you do on crutches counts double points!


I literally felt like I was going to DIE after working outside in the heat yesterday.  THEN I had to pull the garden wagon from the front yard all the way up the driveway in the sun ---- got it in the garage, and then the double garage door was stuck and wouldn't start down.  THEN I had to come in the house and get the small ladder so i could reach up and give it a tug, THEN lug the ladder back inside.  I was DONE and DONE at that point, and still had to make salads for dinner with a friend. 

I am taking today off!



FYI  Saturday and Sunday  I rest.  Great job on keeping it MOVING.  You are a beast..  Thank you so much for sharing.  Nice bicycle


BE SAFE!!!!!!!


You have earned it! Enjoy!

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