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Exercising and Health

I am walking every day as long as there is no rain. 30 minutes a day. I probably wasted that much time smoking in the past. Yesterday I rewarded myself with a Wii and a Wii fit so now I can do a work out at home. Especially when I can't get out and walk, winter is coming. Although I will enjoy the walks in the cool weather. Once I get a new job, it may be too dark by the time I get home.
  208 smoke free days!
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Today is day 6. Oddly once I started on the track to quit I naturally wanted to eat healthier and start exercising. Well, the exercise is partly to keep my mind off smoking, but also I have decided to make some permanent changes. Smoking is part of my sedentary lifestyle and I don't like it anymore. It makes me feel really bad. I have decided to take up Jiu Jitsu. It's totally different than anything I would normally do and my brother is an instructor which is an added bonus. This morning I am going for a walk along lovely trails with my dorkmate. Life is grand.

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I'm quitting tomorrow and I'm already working on getting fit. Weight gain is a major fear for me (maybe an obsession) so I look forward to making friends and getting support from this group as well as individuals who can help me stay on track.

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This is my first true attempt to quit..My sister and grandmother quit...mygrandmother quit after 52 years! with e cigs...but i am trying the cold turkey quit dates the 17th..does anyone else feel like their head spins and your going insane when you stop..? how do you/i handle that?

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Hey Gypsy -- I joined you for a walk (some jogging) from 6 - 7 PM. I am trying to keep burning those extra calories and build muscle. Do you listen to an music while you exercise? Maggie

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I do not listen to music, I text friends or just enjoy the surroundings and the freedom to think without being side tracked 🙂  I have some amazing places to walk. My two favorites are both next to water with lots of wildlife!!

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Hello Gypsy

It is Sunday, so I have the most time of the week to relax. Was in the water this morning which was great. I am about to take an evening walk. How is it going? Did you get to walk today as well? I have been trying to increase my metabolism since quitting. So on my walk I try to do some intervals at an increased rate. How about you? I also enjoy walking near the water and watching the geese, swans, ducks and cranes. What type of wildlife do you see?


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I have discovered a love of the eliptical machine....

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i'm 31. and i've been smoking for 15 years! ive run a couple 5k's, and i'm getting back into it again (on my treadmill for now.) i cant quit smoking....and it makes me so mad that it rules my's almost a friend, somthing to lean on, a go-to when im stressed.

which, lately ive lost my job, my 11 yr old is going to his fathers this school year after being w me his whole life(other than weekends here and there) and my mother in law passed this last april from copd... (she lived with us after her house burnt down and we took care of her) , my relationship is not perfect, at all....after 10 years....still no ring. how does everyone STOP smoking?!!! i stop until i crave another, then i just give up! What is the key?!

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Hi Folks,

I havent' been exercising and it shows.

I plan to get back to my diet when my company is gone,

I had to stop by, its been a long time since I've been here.

no wheat or sugar, I need to get back on my machine.

It is standing up and it weighs 75 lbs kinda  apain to get down,

when I was doing it regular , it was down at my parents house.

it sure was easy to just get on it and go.

I need to work past the excuses.

still quit soon to be 1600 days.

I am walkng so thats a bonus.

soon to be a grandma

ecstatic about that.


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