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Exercising and Health

I am walking every day as long as there is no rain. 30 minutes a day. I probably wasted that much time smoking in the past. Yesterday I rewarded myself with a Wii and a Wii fit so now I can do a work out at home. Especially when I can't get out and walk, winter is coming. Although I will enjoy the walks in the cool weather. Once I get a new job, it may be too dark by the time I get home.
  208 smoke free days!
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Lady died so Sam (my three year reward ) and I are still going to the river park with dad.

We all miss her, she was 13.

soon I will get back on my machine.

Hope everyone is moving some way

aztec quit date 5-5-09

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I am working out to be strong, I plan to add yoga andmeditation.

There are some inspiring people on this site. Mikecity, Thomas,

HWC, skittles and more. I hope whoever is moving will blog and encourage another


I have been enjoying my mornings with my dad and Sam at the park.

we have big fun

1196 days today

quit date 5-5-09

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Back on my total gym machine, I love it so much, I wish I hadn't stopped for a while

but I did and It feels so good after a workout and the whole day.

I added another exercise to it, I have 8 I do now and 2-3 sets of 12, It doesn't seem like much for 15 minutes but its a good overall body workout. Like the poster says "you can be as strong as you want"

I am on the third knotch for 7 exercises and all the way up to 10 with the bads on for squats.

I will be working at it, Hope you all join in

love aztec

Happy to be here

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I have been walking every morning,

I hope whoever sees this will feel encouraged to keep moving.

I would rather breathe than smoke.

lots of love to you all aztec

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Just walking every morning for about a half hour.

The weather is going to change and we won't be able to

go to the park but we can go in the hills.

I hope everyone is moving somehow.

love aztec

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I have a different kind of problem, I guess. I am 5 foot 4 inch's and only weigh 110-115 LBS. my problem is after I had surgery to removed my ovary's and a grapefruit sized growth, I have a belly roll ! I have alway's been very blessed to be small and have a flat stomach, even after 3 children. I have a physical disability that make's me have to watch my weight. But, I am very active and really think eating is just a waste of time !!! WEIRD, I know, but, I've never really cared about eating.  I have O.C.D. and had rather be cleaning !! But, now I see all these ad's for losing belly fat, and I wonder, DO any of them really work?????? I doubt it. But, if anyone know's of anything that help's with just belly fat, PLEASE message me !!!! THANK YOU !!!

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Lots of calorie and exercise tracking apps available for androids and iphones- I am going to use this as my after meal diversion instead of my usual smoke.

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I'm not going to count my calories, but I am going to get this chubby body MOVING.  Not sure this morning whether I want to ride my stationary bike or go for a walk--but I will be doing one or the other as soon as I finish my coffee!

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Rode my stationary bike for 30 minutes--got the old heart rate up and broke a sweat. 

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Dad, Sam and I walked at the river park early this morning for 45 minutes.

it was a casual walk but a walk still the same.

I have a total gym that I have been making payments on. It got moved to another

room in my parents house and I need to get on it.

Nice to be here

aztec quit date 5-5-09

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