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Exercising and Health

I am walking every day as long as there is no rain. 30 minutes a day. I probably wasted that much time smoking in the past. Yesterday I rewarded myself with a Wii and a Wii fit so now I can do a work out at home. Especially when I can't get out and walk, winter is coming. Although I will enjoy the walks in the cool weather. Once I get a new job, it may be too dark by the time I get home.
  208 smoke free days!
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1,337 Replies

Hi Carol...Welcome! So how do you plan to quit? Do you have any non-smoking aids? For some that's the only way they can do it, but for me, I quit cold turkey the day that I found out I had emphysema & COPD. Anyway, I'm glad you're planning on making exercise a big part of your quitting cigs. I've been walking & exercising since I quit and I've still gained 10 lbs, but I've lost 3 in the last month. I hope to lose at least 3 more each month. I've really tried, but ended up cheating on the diet a few times. I guess what I'm trying to say, is you'll probably gain a little weight because it's so hard not to reward yourself now and then with food instead of having a cigarette, but it's worth the extra weight to be able to breath and know that you can get it off when you get far enough in your quit to not crave cigs anymore. Then you don't crave food as much, either.
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Sylvia, Im going to use the patch, I still need to read all the directions to make
  sure Im using it the correct way with out over dosing on nicotine! But hopefully
  if all goes well Ill just put the patch on and become an Ex smoker! But will see.
  Well thats great you were able to quit just like that. As far as food goes, watch it because after your cravings for cigs are gone youll have alot of work ahead of you if u gain too much weight! But your absolutly wright about being fat I guess is bettter than being six feet under!1
There is always someone who needs your attention on ex. Let's ensure everyone has someone supporting them.
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Carol.. my son quit with the patch and has been quit for around 6 or 7 years. I've lost track it's been so long. He has always said it was easy. He even went through a divorce when he was still on the patches and didn't cave and he's been through a lot of tough stuff in his life, but still is firm in his quit. I know you have to be really determined to quit even with the patch. You have to really hate that smoking has really crippled your life and want to be free more than anything. I know you can do it!
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I hope so. Well I should say I know I can also! So you have emphysema? My mom just found out that she also has it, I need to read up on it to find out
  more about it so I can understand whats going on with my mom. But she still
  smokes . Shes been smoking for years!
There is always someone who needs your attention on ex. Let's ensure everyone has someone supporting them.
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Hi Carol, How's the patch going for you by now? I hope you're getting past the worst of the cravings. Yes, sorry to say, I do have it...not as bad as some, but not good, either. There's quite a lot of info on it just by googling it. Sorry to hear your mom has it and is still smoking. I wish she could come to this site and learn more about it and smoking.
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hi...just want to say hello. so glad i found this site. have been quit for a month and trying to also get back into shape. have been working out on the WI II but haven't lost any weight yet. trying to lose 10 to 15 lbs, but staying quit is my main focus. best of luck to you all
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Just wanted to say hello also...My quit date is Monday the 9th if I don't just stop before then as they are starting to taste like blah, yuck,
  I have been doing Hip Hop Abs and watching what I eat. I am a member of which is awesome for tracking food & excercise. I have lost 14lbs, my goal is to lose 30lbs but to stop smoking after wish me strength! Good luck to everyone!
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Ok, so I'm not overweight but I do want to get in really great shape and it seems to be happening. I've been taking yoga for a little over a year (one of my scooter buddies teaches at a studio in Flower Mound TX) and so anyway I got laid off on Friday, knew it was coming, I got a bit of a package, not to mention that they gave me extra money to leave, tehehe.... Ok, nevermind. Anywho this studio has a "yoga challenge" that started on Sunday where if you do 25 classes in 30 days you get a goodie bag. I was thinking what a great way to really improve stuff, so I missed the first day but have done 7 classes in the last 5 days. Holy crap am I seeing a huge difference! I do sweat like a pig detoxing, but my muscles are really getting defined and I'm able to hang in there without wimping out and hitting child's pose, even in vinyasa classes. Result! I'm going to keep going, then look for a job next month. Oh, this studio is like 16 miles from where I live and I've been riding my scooter about half the time and driving the other half.
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crashtest...that yoga class sounds awesome! keep up the good work and keep us posted. I want to know what is in that goodie bag at the end!
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Yaay, its been eight days since Ive quit smoking. Im feeling so good. And ready to start an exercise program. I went to the library and rented some videos on Pilates and different exercises I can do at home. Im a member to a great activity ctr. here in my community which has weights and exercise machines but I have a three yr. old and cannot go with him. So at home is where it begins. But yes the patch works! Its amazing , I dont get any cravings or wantings to smoke, and Im a smoker! But not any more huray!
There is always someone who needs your attention on ex. Let's ensure everyone has someone supporting them.
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