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zinamarie's Status Update on 06/13/2015

Hi Shawn, missed you too. I can't be at the computer very long at all, I injured my back. They are doing an MRI next week. Hurts like hell to just even sit. I spend the days on the heating pad. Today though, I am going to try to go to a family get-together for a couple of hours. I hope I can do it. Anyway, as for quitting, I've cut out the e-cig while at the computer. It's hard not to do it while I'm restricted to laying on a heating pad though. I went through the nicotine replacement pages. I don't want a nicotine replacement, I want it to be gone! And I know I can do it as I've done it before. It just seems harder this time. But I will do it! Talk to you soon, Zina Marie 🙂
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