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v00d00's Status Update on 09/20/2009

Hi Sandy,
You can read my post on Sept quit dates.
I screwed up yesterday and I'm down but not out.
A couple weeks ago I quit for a solid week and it wasn't so hard.
But I was around my family and they're big time anti smoke people due to my parents both dying from cancer at 70.
If they ever saw me with a cigarette they snatch it right out of my hands.
Here, back in New Orleans I don't have anyone around to stop me.
I got down yesterday and was obsessing about smoking instead of obsessing about quitting. When a friend came over to invite me to the coffee shop i went with her not for her company but because i knew she had smokes and i could bum one off her without having to buy a whole pack.
I did just that but when i got home it was pretty much a lost battle and i went out and bought a pack.
well to make a long story short I smoked all day yesterday and last night.
Today I am not going to smoke anymore.
I'm going to look up pictures of diseased lungs on the internet and make one my home page.
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