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tryingmybest's Status Update on 09/16/2008

Edith.....I really had no plans to quit when I did but thought I'd just read about the plan. I had tried to quit before but couldn't make it through the anxiety. I have panic disorder and the anxiety of withdrawal was just too much for me.

Anyway, I decided to give it a try again and I had no trouble with the physical withdrawal. I went from a pack and a half to 5 cigarettes in 2 days so I decided not to plan a quit date or use any aides or props. I just stopped cold turkey and it worked fine. Now, 52 days later my only problem seems to be those triggers. I always have that strong urge after dinner and at night. I fight it and haven't given in yet so I feel good about that. I guess it's really a day-to-day thing for a while. The best thing, aside from the obvious, is that I feel so proud of myself because it really is hard and I was able to do it. Yay me! I think we should all be proud of ourselves.

Keep up the good work and keep being proud of yourself,

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