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smbacon16's Status Update on 09/04/2019

Hereeeee we go! Started Bupropion this morning, hoping it’ll take the edge off. Still supplementing with patches & gum. Vaping is easy access nicotine so it takes some replacing at first. Sister sent me an Instagram post about another young girl who had been hospitalized due to vaping - on a ventilator & in a coma. NO THANK YOU. I won’t do it. I won’t vape. Much love to you all
7 Replies

Deep breathing helps a lot.  Practice it.

Hope that helps.  I used Webutrin (same thing) and nicotrol inhalers.  And, of course the support from the Ex.  Still continue to work your plan.Barb

Barbscloud, what are nicotrol inhalers? 
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thanks JACKIE1-25-15 ! this seems like a good one to practice when I'm really tired or just have down time. 

Here is another one that you can practice lying down, sitting, standing, eventually you can do it while exercising.  You will be amazed how breathing will get you through the toughest times.  It stopped me from going to the store to by cigs after a heated argument.  Breathing you can take it anywhere.  I can not over emphasis the impact it has. How to Practice Belly Breathing - Nemours Children...
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It's a small tube that you insert a nicotine cartridge into.  There is a maximum amount to use for the day, but I didn't use it as much as described here.
​It is very important to stop smoking completely while using this nicotine product. Insert a cartridge into the mouthpiece and inhale the medication by quickly puffing on the mouthpiece for four 5-minute sessions or continually for about 20 minutes. Although using the inhaler is like smoking a cigarette, you do not need to inhale deeply as you would a cigarette for the medicine to work. The medicine works in the mouth and throat, not in the lungs.  

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