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ross's Status Update on 03/18/2009

congratulation on your 11th day,
Hello all friends.
I am almost 17 days smoke free and enjoyed every minute of it. My body changed a lot in 17 days, I explain them to you, hope that it helps you on the path of being healthy and smoke free. As I mentioned before that I used to smoke more than 3 packs a day of Marlboro RED HARD pack.

1) I used to snore like a freight train. My son complained many time that he cannot sleep in the other room that is like 20 feet away because of my snore, sometimes I woke up because of my own snore, It was really loud and annoying. To my surprised I snored less and less, on my 16th day, my snoring completely stopped.

2)I become a member of LA fitness on my 7th day and been like 10 days, I have been swimming everyday for about 1 hour ever since.I breath much better. The stinky smell of smoke bothers me and gives me a headache from a distance.

3) my left hand little finger was numb, my doctor told me 6 years ago that the nerve has been damaged. I am on my 17 th day now, my little finger is much better, I feel like the finger is healiing.

4)I have more patience, eat the food with more pleasure and eat much more slower than before. the food tastes muck better. Especially the fruits, I eat them with more pleasure, the taste of the fruits is completely different from the time that I smoked.

5) My teeth are whiter, they are getting better everyday. I am using the electric tooth brush and especial solution for tooth whitening that is very effective.

I see a lot of improvements in my lifestyle. explanation of all is very hard. I mentioned a few, hope it helps you.

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