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ro_2's Status Update on 09/26/2008

Yeah, hi Sara it's about 12 days, who's counting ... I'm just getting too old to keep track is all - knowing this has to be a to-the-death duel for me - as I've tried to do it all other ways and only now, as for just one moment I felt a leg up with the new situation of folks on the 'board' to relate to, I knew the timing was such that even if I did quit now as I finally got to do .... it may be "too late" the infamous 'too late' stuff - but in any case, too late or not -- apparently for me its the diffeence between breathing and not breathing -- I hope for you it doesn't have to get that drastic -- it really did become that drastic -- I am only not cheating because I know deep inside if I allowed even one tiny-little puff -- it's all over and I don't have MORE YEARS .. in any event -- this is very tough -- it's tougher I'd say than anything I ever did - -I only sort of KNOW smoking -- I only remember that i didn't smoke till I was about 12 regularly ... so there must have been a time ... I see that I'd get to be an emphysema patient if I continued, perhaps in just one more week, but if I stopped, perhaps I could put that off for a while, or forever even, if I allowed myself the courage to get on the journey and lo and behold I get pieces of wisdom from everyone that offers their experiences, so I was able to jump in -- I may be at a different 'stage' as to life and quitting criteria, etc., but make no bones about this, it's very tough, and in fact I'm keeping myself supplied with enough nicorette stuff till I am very safe along the road -- not taking chances I haev only one commeandment I gave myself - and that's not to smoke -- I cuold do anything but smoke a cigarette -- if I just do that -- I tell myself every day -- just do that -- you don't have to do NOTHING else on command -- just that -- and it's a big order as you know - I bought these licorice root sticks adn I have one hanging out my mouth like an old stogie cigar -- it must look funny but I don't give a darn -- I need to breathe and no one's helping me do that or pay my rent so why should i care - okay, bye for now,
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