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ree's Status Update on 06/29/2009

hey Kim, hows it going? Congrats on your three weeks. you asked me about my quit. well it'll be two months on the 9th. its been going good, you know the beginning was ruff. and it got better, with the help of some herbal pills that got me through the first few weeks. and then a night to get me throug i would eat pop-sicles, they really helped. I used to smoke outside on the porch, and in the beginning i couldnt even go sit outside and enjoy the sunshine, because i was afraid. i can now go outside. but like we discussed, the drinking thing is still hard. (and i could drink with the best of 'em. 🙂 ) and its been easier than i thought to not drink as much, my boyfriend and i went to Reno, NV about two weeks ago, and i was so scared on how it would be for me in the casino, on the slot's, Giiiirrrll! let me tell you, it was too much smoke, i had to get out of there! between the smoke and the oxegyn that they pump into those places, i was running to get out of there, not to mention, i didnt win! but the urge to smoke wasnt there at all. i do get these odd out of nowhere urges for a smoke for whateveer reason. but dont give in, i did give in early on into my quit and it was the worst,. i was about 7 days in and i had a huge disagreement with my bf. and i felt so horrible after, and then having to go through the detox all over agin with just smoking ONE! was horrible. but it is day by day. O.K. sweetie thanxs for letting me go on for a while. Hope all is well on your end. oh yeah! it may seem kinda strange but i want a smoking dream lol.
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