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pauline's Status Update on 09/23/2008

Marisa, you are NOT being selfish at ALL, OMG!!! At this time with what you are going through, you need to vent and get out as much as you can, and if I can be your sounding board, please feel free to do so! This is hell, this quitting, and that is why I joined here for help and you joined for the same reason, we really are in this together! O MY Dear, please keep going on and on....Get as much out as you can, and if you would like to send to my personal email too, you sure can. here it is.
That was a horrible nightmare you had, and when you have them and you wake up, and you need to get them out, just start typing to me - just get it out and then maybe you can forget about it for the rest of the day.
You really do need to get to your dr. for some meds to help you get some sleep, I am sure that he understands otherwise he would not be a dr. My best friend sort of got on me for me not being up front with my dr. about my back problems and that my meds were no longer helping me and I was not sleeping, and I was in so much pain, and she convinced me to go to him, I did and he changed my meds and I am feeling much better. I am not waking up as much as I was and at least I am able to get back to sleep in a few min. instead of hours and hours and feeling worse and worse. That is what he is there for, I am sure that he will help you, your health is so important, and I bet with the more hours/days of sleep that you are doing without may/surely is putting more stress on you too, you poor thing - I am here for you as I know that you are here for me too.
I know that your body and brain needs to get some better sleep soon before you do get physically ill. If it is not possible for you to get to the dr. today, maybe some benadryl-if that stuff is tollerable for you, or tylenol pm, or maybe some suggestions from your pharmicest (my spelling sucks, sorry) while you are waiting to get into or waiting to make the call to your dr. (I was just plain afraid to call my dr.) I actually thought that he would think I was just trying to get drugs to get high - but he told me he knows me much better than that - and I also thought that he may think I was going crazy, but that was not his thoughts either-his first and most important concern was for me and my comfort and care-he knows me better than I thought - he is wonderful. I am sure that your dr. will be the same with you, he knows the side effects of the Chantix.
Someone on here a couple of weeks ago asked if anyone had heard of getting some xanax to take with their Chantix because she is a stress smoker - of course someone seemed to chastize her for still considering herself an ex smoker and admitting that she smokes while she is stressing, she is going through some horrible life changing things right now, and I answered her and told her that I thought that her dr. would prescribe that for her - I am in NO WAY an expert - I only can speak of my experiences only. She said she was going to check into it.
Xanax is a tranqulizer and muscle relaxer sort of med. that really didn't work that well for me, so he tryed a different one, that didn't work very well either, I was still up at 2 or 3 am. But now that he changed my pain meds and put me on other meds for my back-it has helped so much. BUT there is a sleeping pill that my friend's doc put her on, but that one scared me for her. She found that she started sleep walking and lighting cigs in bed and she was waking up and found a big long burn on her sheet right through to her mattress one night, then another night she found a bad burn in the carpet next to her bed (she is a very addicted smoker and I will tell you more about her later, this is about you right now but I feel so bad for her). Any how, it is called Ambien, I don't know if that is the right spelling. She had absoutly no memory of getting up at all and no memory of smoking. She started hiding her cig's on herself, but that didn't work, she was still getting up and getting to them and not waking up, so that pill scares me for you, eventhough you may not have that problem - I am not preaching only trying to help you.
I am sorry that you couldn't call your Martin, but you always to have your keyboard and me. Yes I truly do care. I am sure that he would understand, but I know what you mean that you don't want to wake him up too.
I don't exactly know how the med works that my dr. gave me this time, but it is Lyrica, and I only take it before bed and I am doing very good with that - but I don't know if that is just for my bone/muscle problems??
Well, I am going to be tested yet again today. My bff (same one mentioned earlier) the one that is the heavy smoker, we are going on a shopping trip about 30 miles or so away, and since I cleaned out my car (3 hrs. of scrubbing) I told her no more smoking in my car, she is a bit pissed at me for that, but I will pull over and we can get out and she can have her cig, which is a little hard on me, but I grab my clicking ink pen and concentrate on our conversation. She told me that I am being a bitch since I am not smoking. (still is hard for me to say I quit - eventhough today is day 30 without a single drag) The other day we stopped at a resteraunt and b 4 she got out of my car she took out a cig, put it in her mouth and had it lit, with the car door open - and I said "please don't smoke in my car light it outside" she said "I can't light it outside" I replyed "yes you can, please don't smoke in my car, I worked so hard cleaning it for hours" she said back to me "you decided to quit smoking and now you are being a bitch about it". I said, "I am not being a bitch, it is my car and I am begging you, please do not smoke in my car". Then the subject was dropped and we went into the smoke free resteraunt. I was so angry with her, and I am still so very hurt over it - and here I go opening up myself for more hurt - but she is my bff for over 30 years - I just have to hope and pray for a good day of shopping with her.... If I need to, I will ask her to please be considerate of me too, I am trying to be as accomodating to her and her habbit as I possibly can. UGH! sometimes I know that I am a doormat, but I am working on that.
I must finish getting ready to go - it is a really cool store called the Flower Factory, and they sell all sorts of craft items at wholesale prices it is for businesses only, but they just opened it up to the public, but I do have a small business too.... Wish me luck, and I am thinking about you and hoping for a day of peace for you.
I will be on later after shopping, type when ever and please never feel that you are being selfish again, I am not that type of person, I listen and I really care.
Hoping for a bright and happy day for you!
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