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patty23's Status Update on 04/29/2009

Hi Char,
My sister is... mytyme4achange
Lets see...Why I many reasons....
My Family..My Children
My grandson Gunnar would cry and say..."Please Granny don't smoke." That would would break my heart.
I was tired of the coughing.I was kinda getting scared it was too late. I coughed so bad. And I never cough now.
About Dariana... she was a friend just like you and I... Online friend..She was not sick or hurting... no warning.
She had a swollen lymph node in her neck and trouble breathing.She thought she might have phenomena.
She quit smoking in January 2008 She had smoked 30 years...Here is the link to her Blog. For January. You just might want to read her blog. She was just a beautiful soul. Her blog is very touching.
And that last question....I am like you.Why did I do this to me?
From the day we are born...we are dying.We are not given guarantees on the number of days we will be here. I am so sorry you lost your Mother to Cancer after she quit smoking. But...people die of lung cancer who never smoked.Even though I have quit 8 years ago... I could die from that 32 year run. But I could from some other source too and I know the way I was coughing and gagging they were killing me.If I had not quit I wonder if would even be here now.I feel better without the cigarettes and I know I smell better.I know our chances are better since we quit...but no one gets a guarantee.
(((HUGZ))) & God Bless
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