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okodel1982's Status Update on 07/26/2017

Hello members, after reading through alot of supportive information on monday 24th-July-2017. I decided  to quit smoking. Now its day two and am really feeling positive about this. However i haven't felt the craving yet All i feel right now is abit of hard time with breathing and lack of sleep. My chest to feels like there is some kind of burning sesention going inside. I have abit of irritating cough too. Any advise
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16 Replies

Please keep us informed as to how you feel...sounds like you were going to bed.  If you do not feel better, I agree with jonescarp that you need to be seen by a doctor, your symptoms may have nothing to do with smoking or with quitting smoking.

​Will be thinking of you.
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Also along those lines, Sickerettes are produced with 7000 chemicals which purposely mask the symptoms you speak of. So you are not alone in feeling worse before you feel better. Do consult a  Dr. but do not give up your Quit and most likely you will feel much better soon! You can try detox like green tea. I'll dig up a post.
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Hello members. Thank you for all the advise. I woke up feeling great this morning. The chest burning sesentions are no more. I feel much better. I took some green tea and some detox smothies too. I am really feeling good. today is day 4 without smoking. i will keep sharing this process of quitting with the  ex community here. 
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okodel1982  I am SO HAPPY to read this.  I was hoping it would pass and that it was just part of the roller coaster of feelings we get when we quit.  Have a spectacular smoke free day!
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Oh yeah baby!   You are sounding GOOOOOD.  Glad those burning sensations are gone.  Yippeee to another day free!!!!!  Big GRIN!
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A super congrats on your 4 precious DOF and counting, I'm so happy that you're feeling better and had a good day, yay for another DAY WON! 
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