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mireya223's Status Update on 09/05/2019

Also I’m going on a cabin trip with a bunch of family next week and I’m sooooo excited to breathe mountain air and get away and have an amazing time. Without nicotine! And without worrying about hitting my vape every 5 minutes. I’m excited to see how much easier it is to breathe and hike and do all the things I love without nicotine. 4 DOF
3 Replies

You are doing great.  Don't give up.  You can do this.  Keep going. Congrats on day 4.  There are ups and downs but it gets easier if you do not give in to the nicotine.  Enjoy your trip.  Breathe that wonderful mountain.  If you would post in conversations or blog post instead of update status your post would appear longer and you would be able to engage with more of the community. 
​Stay close.  Good job

I just got back from Colorado Springs, I sucked in that fresh mountain air, loving every minutes of it (though there could've been a little more oxygen in it and I would've been able to hike further). Work will have me going to Fort Collins area next month, going to love it! 

​As Jackie pointed out,  great job and keep it up! Remember, you are past the addiction, but a single bit of nicotine will renew that. I'm happy you are doing so well and hope you stay out of that trap forever! 
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Thank you guys! And thanks @JACKIE1-25-15 I wasn’t sure which was the best way to connect with people so thank you for letting me know! Your kind words mean so much right now 
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