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michelle58's Status Update on 10/21/2008

Hello Mary, my name is Michelle and I am 31 years old and the mother of 4 boys and 1 girl; I have been smoking for 21 years and I quit 10/10/08. I am a freshman in college and getting my degree in human services. I got an e-mail about your post in the quit buddy room and wanted to tell you that I will gladly talk anytime you like. I am on my computer most evenings so I check my email constanly. I saw that you had mid terms. I know how stressful those can be mine were last week. I have found that when the urge hits me really strong I have to remind myself of why I quit. Maybe when you feel like really lighting up take out a picture of that beautiful little boy of yours and remember why you quit. For me it was for my children also, but it was because I am no longer able to breathe or play with my family any more. I can not even walk up a short flight of stairs at school.
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