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marilyn_marmac's Status Update on 07/01/2014

I posted a response on my blog, duh! So here's what I was sending you: Hello Sista from another Mista! I wish I had been recouperating! My son expressed interest in where/how our tree of nuts came about so I decided to research the family history. I didn't realize how long it was going to take or how hard it would be to gather information. I've ended up spending darn near 24/7 on this thing! But, the good news, I've made it back 8 generations and discovered there are branches on our family tree! A relief it is to know that I did not spring from a straight twig! However, one branch leads to another and I find myself wanting to research every one of them. I've made it all the way back to my great ??? grandfather, born in 1794. So many interesting stories along the this may take a while. Hummm..I like EXamples but I've always been known as a "BAD Example" so maybe we should clarify "Good EXample!"
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