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maria18's Status Update on 08/09/2009

I think that's a good sign, Sylvia, if you're feeling well enough to notice things again. It probably means you're finding the energy to do things again! I went fishing with some of my little grandsons yesterday evening. Although the Missouri heat took it's toll as I was walking, (that and the retirement acquired habit of sitting all the time) but we did have a lot of fun! Those kids had Grandma busy with worms and tangled lines. Shoot, I even had hooks in my But the looks on their faces, so excited! It was well worth going out for! A little 3 year old with a tiny bluegill jumping on his line is so fun to watch! We had a late supper of a previous catch...a big old fish grilled and smoked and some bbq hot dogs and beans...we even thru some summer squash on the grill. It was still so hot we had a fan on the patio and bug torches going like crazy! All in all tho, a fine evening. The kids were playing hide and seek. Remember that???? Smiling at you! Maria

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