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lynne5's Status Update on 06/19/2009

Hi, I like your site! I'm another Lynne and fiftyish also and have been a closet smoker for quite a few years. I had told my kids I quit (and I did for a bit) a few years back and of course fell off the wagon and started smoking again! I've quit on and off a few times over the past years but always get weak and think I can buy them and only smoke a couple a day......ha! I'm on day 11 today and am still hanging on! My big push this time is the kids are off for summer vacation and I am SICK of hiding and thinking of how I can get my next smoke. I only smoked less than a pack a day but i was addicted. Doing pretty good now, have urges here and there and it's almost a physical ache, but it passes. I hope you too can keep going and me also. I've gotta DO THIS THIS TIME!! good luck to us!
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