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lstamus's Status Update on 05/22/2013

Dear Shawn-thanks for the good message. I really appreciated it. I like the stars and stripes you did. So nice. I had the air-conditioing tuned up today and put in a new furnace filter and cleaned the whole house air cleaner. So should be ingood shape for a while on those. I got the hoses hooked up outside so I can wanter when needed. We are supposed to ge raintomorrow so will be able to save on wantering. That helps my budget. We also are supposed to get rainthis weekend. Could be heavy-we will have to wait and see. My flowers are doing good so far. I haven't totally decided on the garde yet, its a lot of wwork and I am only one person to do everything. I get tired so don't know if I'll put it into perennials or flower bushes or something else. I hope youhave a wonderful memeorial day/hope the diet is going well too. Love you , Lynne
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