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kim30's Status Update on 07/19/2009

Hello Claudia 🙂 Sorry that I haven't been around to say hello lately. The summers here are very busy, and this year is busier than normal. My son is working and I am his taxi. My daughter is very involved in 4H and is leasing a Tennessee Fainting Goat for the summer, so we have to travel to work with her 1x/wk. and we have also just started leasing a beautiful little paint!! I'm so excited. She's a sweet little thing. 15 yrs young. Used to be a hunter/jumper, however she tore a tendon in her front leg so she cannot jump anymore. The people that own her now were getting ready to sell her because they had no one riding her, so she needed us. We have been working with her 3-4 days/wk. Between all that and my work schedule, it seems there's no time for computer. I think of you often and will send you an e-mail with pictures of our little "Patches". Hope all is well with you.
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