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joe-williams's Status Update on 07/14/2009

I can handle the cravings, it's the boredom while driving ( drive 22 miles one way to work). For some reason I have a hard time staying awake. Ain't that crazy? When the cravings got bad those first two or three days I would pray and think about my grandkids. It really works for me. I would also have some confusion sometimes but I found out that after you quit, it lowers your sugar level and that is what causes it. It makes sense when you think about it, tobbaco is stored in a silo and it is cured with sugar. The things you learn when you quit... I enjoyed hearing about the church you went to in Michigan and understand about having to knell. I'm bless that I'm in very good health considering my smoking for 40 years. I'm going to look up and listen to Jesus, All for Jesus. Sounds like something we might try. Have a great day Heidi!
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