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grace3's Status Update on 08/28/2009


Friendship Non Animated Comments And Graphics

Wishing you big congrat;s on those 300 days. Have stopped by a few times but it was either very late orvery early and your page was not up. Been busy trying to get mom in laws house in order, but she decided she won't put it up for sale until next spring. Our house is on the market and we want her to be able to go down to Georgia before the winter. Leaving next week for San Antonio to visit family for 3 weeks. Really excited about seeing everyone but not the heat that will be there. Can't believe its almost Sept. was an awful rainy summer. Our tomatoes are dying from the blight. Too much rain and not enough sun....Sounds like you will be having a nive family weekend with your nephew...Hope the weather will hold up. Hope to catch you before I leave....Have a good one...
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