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elizabeth17's Status Update on 04/18/2008

How's it for you Miss Kayle? You are on my mind in your fresh quit. I am doing ok. Been real restless the past couple of days. Just spent like $64 on Swedish Fish and shampoo at Walgreen's... what the hell??? It's the end of the semester and I can't sit and concentrate for more than 20 minutes. There is absolutely zero retention in reading homework. I keep wandering from room to room going "oh that's right - I don't smoke". Was emptying my trashcans and could see an empty box through the full bag - my mouth salivated! Eeek!!! Strange things are at work. Which I guess is good considering we all are trying to rebuild our mental hardwiring. Let me know something strange or silly that you've done since you stopped... I need someone else to chuckle at besides myself! xo
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