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daveb's Status Update on 09/16/2008

Hi Kris & thanks for the add. Looks like you're getting some good advice from the folks around here. Isn't it great? I'm only 2 days into my quit but I have to tell ya that this time theres something different. I think a lot of it has to do w/the support, encouragement & evidence that it CAN be done that I've witnessed here. One of the things that really struck me about this site is all the people that really care. They care about themselves, They care about eachother. They even care about people they don't even know. Just awesome. & on the chantix..... one of my customers used it & has been smoke free for more than 6 months now after using it for about 2 monhs & his wife still smokes. So thats good. However I've heard of some varying side effects that can take place. Give it a shot & if you don't like it, stop taking it. Let me know how it works out for ya. talk w/ya later. Peace.
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