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claudia2's Status Update on 01/01/2009

Can't believe it is 2009 and I can say that I am an EX SMOKER! It is certainly an amazing feeling.
I went until almost noon yesterday before I realized I had not brushed me nasty taste in my mouth, no grit on my teethe, no horrible breathe.
Yes, I think I really can already appreciate the small things.
Both of my Grandchildren called last night to tell me how proud they were of me. Brought tears to my eyes. They are one of the biggest reasons that I made the commitment to quit.
I remember how when they would spend the night they would find my cigarettes and hide them, or worse. flush them.
Well, today is day two and I am still feeling okay. 1st day was better then today, but I will just take it one day at a time and stay close to by buddies on this site!
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