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cazmataz's Status Update on 11/05/2008

Just read your comment about the election. It sounds like you and I both voted for the man that was defeated. But I believe God is in control. He knew of this outcome before time!!!! It was ordained by God. As our pastor said Sunday - go and vote but remember whatever the outcome "our mission stays the same"!!! (That mission for us is for every man, woman and child to have an opportunity to hear the gospel) I decided Monday night if Obama won as it looked like-- I was going to show him the respect because as I said he was ordained by God. God put him their for a reason. We may not know for awhile but He will be our president and in the bible we are commanded to respect authority. As Dennis Miller said "I voted for McCain but if Obama wins so be it. I will accept it and be supportive. I just want the hate that has built the last 8 years to stop."
We just have to be on our knees every day for this country!!!! I could say more but than I would start ranting!!! LOL!!! TTYL!!! Many blessings my friend!!!
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