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bobbie37's Status Update on 12/31/2014

Thank you for the welcome. Getting nervous about that last cigarette. Today is my quit day, Dec. 31, and or when this pack of cigarettes is gone. It's lasted me for 3 weeks as of 1/2/15. Hanging on it seems to the bitter end. Have been practicing using my quit strategies and it has helped. Yesterday I smoked less than one cigarette. So it should be easy to finish that last one and become smoke free, right???????? I guess I am most concerned about managing the anxiety and agitation that comes with the craving. I need to reimagine myself as a non=smoker. I've never done that. I feel hopeful when I know there are other's who have become smoke free and are willing to discuss the 'hard' parts. Hope I am strong enough. Happy New Year people. Bobbier
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