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becky10's Status Update on 10/17/2008

50 Days!!!...and I'm still going strong. I even went to happy hour last night and had folks smoking all around me and they had the kind that I always smoked. SO here's the how yesterday went...I was picked up in the morning by a friend that works with me- we had an early breakfast meeting and had to leave before 6am...she smoked in the car all the way to the meeting, then went outside and had more smokes, then got in the car to leave and had more smokes, then we had a team building event and she had more smokes, then we had a happy hour and at first she smoked outside but then found she could smoke at the bar...and then she kicked it up a notch..then we got in the car and she smoked some more, until I finally got home. So here's what I noticed.. it was a great releif to get home and not have it all over me. I also feel guilty for smoking in the car and around my family for so long- I didn't realize how irritating it is if you don't smoke and it's pretty nasty to be around. Ok so at the bar after a couple glasses of wine the thought crossed my mind to ask for one...but I didn't and the thought passed. I don't know how people quit when they have a smoker in their life- I'm lucky that I was the only one in my home. My day 50 was great and I was happy this morning that I stayed committed yesterday and I showed the smokers that it can be done.
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