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becky10's Status Update on 09/16/2008

Today is day 19 and I'm excited that I'm actually doing this, every day that goes by is a little bit easier. The mornings are still tough and I have friend that calls me and chats while we have a cup of coffee, it would be so much easier if I didn't hear her smoking. (That's as close to hanging out with someone while they smoke as I've gotten). Anyway, she is also the one that pointed out that everyone she knows that has quit got really fat. So now, I'm on weight watchers too..joined on-line. I thought it couldn't hurt to track the points, so I don't over-snack and I quit for my health. But I've already decided that if I want a french fry and smoke at the same time- I'll give in to the french fry...I'm not superwoman and right now I'm only really committed to the quit. I just wanted to keep an eye on everything going in my I don't wake up huge one day. Not to mention it would give all of my smoking friends a reason to keep smoking.
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