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angela15's Status Update on 08/18/2008

I hope it's not a warning sign, but I am keeping myself so far away from smoke and smokers right now that it's not even funny! Thanks for inviting me to be your friend. Everytime I log in I smile, cause I can't believe how sweet everyone is and how supportive. By the way, I LOVE the counter you have on your page. How can I get one of those?
I've been quit almost a month. I thought I quit on August 1st, but it was actually July 26th.
For the first time last night, I didn't dream of smoking. Go figure!
At the advice of others on here I watched the video, "Thanks, Tobacco You Killed My Mom". Maybe that had something to do with it. If nothing else makes me wary of ever starting again, it's that.

Hugs and Smiles!!
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