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Terry75's Status Update on 07/12/2020

Uggghhhh it’s 2am and I’m restless!!!
8 Replies

Not sleeping is a common side effect of quitting smoking...  May I suggest you try some “natural sleep aids”...  You can find them in a local Health Store or    Just go by the reviews and pick one with the most stars!

Thanks, RoseH. I’ll look into that. 

Good morning - 15 minute nap HELPS - YOUR doing good - it is learning about what YOUR addiction in YOUR OLD addict mind - habits and patterns - NOW reading blogs here to CHOOSE YOUR NEW MINDSET - ahhhh it is a wonderful bittersweet adventure day by day ACCEPTING NEW ways and ideas that are totally NOT comfortable NOT inviting - when the next crave HITS bite into a lemon and BLOG - just let it all out - the discovery part is the WOW of the NEW YOU emerging from YOUR NEW heart MINDSET to know - I will NeverTakeAnotherPuffEver over ME OR N.O.P.E. - NotOnePuffEver OR just for TODAY - I will blog BEFORE I suck on NICOTINE DEATH STICKS - congrats on YOUR NEW NON SMOKER LIFE style - CREATED by YOU

Oh dear Terry I wish I was here to help you at 2am...unfortunately I am the odd one ... I sleep like a rock, well you will see after much time quit, usually you sleep better, but like so much of this journey it takes time...try reading a book, if you pray, pray, drink chamomile tea, etc., find some Healthy things that will help you sleep...onward and upward to Day 4 ... Colleen 

Good morning Terry.  It's a new day without smoking.
​As said, this is a common side effect of quitting for many.  Be patient with yourself.  Some of these side effects will probably take some time to pass.   There are excellent sleep meditations on YouTube.  I like Jason Stephenson.
​One day at a time.

Try limiting caffeine after 2:00 PM. I am MUCH more sensitive to caffeine since l quit smoking. It really is a common complaint from newbies. Hope tonight is MUCH better.

elvan, I’m not a soda drinker or caffeine lover. My coffee was always decaf, but I have to admit that the vodka and smokes would have me passed out in no time and I slept most of the night but it has been 4 nights including tonight with neither chemicals so I’m battling on two fronts with no smoking and no drinking. I hope tonight is better too. Thank you and good night.
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Will be thinking of you and hoping that you can fall asleep and stay that way.  I am sure that the double whammy of the vodka and the smokes is challenging.  Just know that you CAN do this because you CAN.  It will get easier, of course sleep deprivation is a challenge in and of itself.
​Best to you, let us know how you do.