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Sootie's Status Update on 06/03/2010

Harris---hello. So good to hear from you. Hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend. memorial Day is a big deal in our tiny town---they go all out for 3 days. I am actually exhausted and wishing for a holiday for the holiday. I can hear the love you have for your wife in every word you write. It is great in this somewhat cynical day and age to hear it!! Yes, I think my daughter is "larger than life" too---although we nickname her the hurricane. whne she flies in from Colorado we "batten down the hatches" as she is always planning something, and wanting to change and rearrange all of our lives. How was the not smoking over the long weekend for you? I had some moments which surprised me. I did not crave one so much over thanksgiving, christmas or easter as I did this weekend. i think it is the outdoor, cookout attitude or something. i was never in any real danger of having one---but I did want one!! Have a great SHORT week!
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