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Simple project for those that are a tad rusty!

Hi there

I've been hearing from people who haven't knitted in sometime and want a simple project to work on; one that doesn't frustrate the bejeebers out of them and make them want a smoke just to figure the dang thing out. Well, here is one of those patterns. If any of you have any other such 'simple' patterns... please share them!

It helps to keep those hands busy!



approx. 8" wide and as long as you want (note: ribbing will usually cinch in making the scarf skinnier)

Cast on 38 st. (26 stitches with bulky yarn). For a skinny scarf, cast on 18 (14 stitches with bulky yarn).
Row 1: Work 2x2 ribbing across the row, beginning with K2 and ending with K2. Turn.
Row 2: Continue ribbing by working stitches as they appear, beginning with P2 and ending with P2.
Repeat the last two rows until scarf is desired length.
Bind off stitches in rib (if the stitch is a knit stitch, knit it; if it's a purl stitch purl it; pull stitches over one another as usual).
Weave in ends.
Put it on and enjoy!!

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