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ShawnP's Status Update on 03/19/2014

Welcome to our community! Please take time to familiarize yourself with our site. This site is packed with information on how to quit and stay quit. Please check out the blogs. This is where you will meet everybody and get answers to your questions. To write a blog, if you are on your home page, under your avatar, it says "go to your page" click on that and you will be taken to your profile page that everybody else sees. Under your avatar on that page, you can click on "blog" then "write a blog post". Writing blogs doesn't have to be written in any special way, so please take a moment to introduce yourself to the community. Every day a blog is posted called "Freedom Train." We celebrate our milestones there. They can range from 1 day to years of being smoke free. We congratulate each other and post food, music etc. I am enclosing a link here to my blog that is packed with links to help you on your journey. We are here to help you, together we can! Here is a few of my favorite quotes...... If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. To get through the hardest journey, we need only take one step at a time, but we must keep stepping. I am only one but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. -Helen Keller
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