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Michae7a's Status Update on 09/16/2019

Been on a nicotine patch for almost 24 hours now. It’s going well but I do find myself really missing the feeling of juuling. 
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3 Replies

Cut up some straws and keep them in your pocket and suck the air on them.  It is much better for you. You will have to go through the withdrawal from nicotine.  Depending on how much you smoked 3- 5 days..  This ideas is ro learn what your triggers are and prepare for them. and distract  Welcome you have come to the right place for support. 

First Day Won! Stop thinking about it..... You’ve got to stay out of your head. What are the positives to juuling? We’ve got to stop relying on crutches in order to survive our lives. I smoked for 37 years. My work is extremely stressful. How was I going to deal with it without being able to light up? Well I quit cold turkey 9 months ago and yes I experienced some crazies and yes there were some rough times, but I just hung in there and am doing great!  My job is just as stressful but I actually feel less stressed.... who would have thought! Trust yourself and your decision to quit. You are so making the right choice....
​ Beck

Thank you Jackie and Beck, that was really helpful. The straw thing has been helping a lot. 
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