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Mestas's Status Update on 02/27/2021

Here's an update on my doctor appointment. Well it didn't go as good as I thought as I thought it would and they didn't a lot of test some they got back quickly and some are going to take longer but  I take 35 a day and some they are cutting out and adding one but the more concerning issue is a hat I'm loosing my memory so I have to go in formor
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9 Replies

Praying for your health.  All those meds could certainly be affecting your memory.  Have you thought about a second opinion? Take good care of yourself.

Thank you for your concern and I will take that into consideration.
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Paul, please do take everything into consideration &, if possible, schedule a consultation with your pharmacist. I have that pharmacists are much more informed about drug interactions & side effects than most doctors. That’s just my observation & my doctor gets a bit defensive when l explain what l have been told but if l don’t advocate for myself, no one else is going to step in. You have a LOT on your plate, so to speak.
​ Ellen
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We're not doctors, but that's a lot of medication. As Ellen said,  I'm an advocate for my health care. I  question things and don't care if the doctors like it or not.   I just had some blood work done that indicated I had a particular condition,  but I don't have all these symptoms and other tests don't support that I have this condition.  The GI doctor (who I love)   prescribed a medication, but I did a lot of research and she agreed everything wasn't adding up.  After consulting, she agreed I shouldn't take it.  That we can retest if necessary.   I appreciate it when they respect my input.
​Take care.
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Thank you Barb I'm hopeful that this change in medication will help me but only time will tell. So far I got rest but the PTSD is causing my night terrors still so go to sleep I'm not necessarily looking forward to but I have to try and get rest. 
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Sorry you're dealing with so much.  How is the quit going?
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I'm still nicotine free!!! Woo hoo I'm have some difficulties but just my health and you pretty much know what that is. A real long sleep is what I would like but every day is better than it was this last week. So I am counting my blessings. I'm grateful for the time I have smoke Free!!!
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Yeah!  Big congrats
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CONGRATULATIONS, l really hope you CAN get some sleep & that things turn around for you.
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