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Lil_t's Status Update on 12/07/2019

I finally did it! I joined EX in 18'. I tried several x's over a yr to quit again. I almost gave up, having st.4 Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma, I kept thinking, I already have cancer, why bother? That's no way to think, bt what cigg's do to you.. it's the addiction! In Aug 19',agn, my Dr. thought I had cancer in my trachea, luckily it wasn't, but, it scared me so bad, on 9-11-19, I sd, I'm DONE! Me Waving G-BYE to ciggs -->
3 Replies

Congratulations! You are on your way. 🙂 Keep it coming and thanks for sharing your success

Thank you maryfreecig I just hope I can make it through No Mans Land, that always seemed to get me before, in my attempts to quit! But, for some reason, this time feels different, my head is in the right place. I never want to go through those first few weeks again, of quitting, constantly thinking of smoking & wanting one sooo bad! Plus, I don't want to die & I know if I keep smoking it will only make my situation worse, and I'm sure shorten my time living. Thanks again for your support & caring! 🙂

Stick around Ex. Quitters get quitters. Trust those good feelings and thoughts--and know that Exers really are here for each other.