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Leenie's Status Update on 10/13/2009

Joy Bauer is the "Today Show" nutritionist. I have yet to sit down and read it. I took home the *Flat Belly Diet* and never got around to reading it (one of the perils of working in a library - too many books, not enough time). It may be really good but I couldn't attest to it. *Joy's Life Diet* says, "Lose up to 7 pounds this week!" I'd like to believe that. ;-} And I'm having a little trouble getting my behind to the gym every day. This has been a wacky week and a half, so hopefully things will quiet down a bit.

I got a speeding ticket (1st ticket in 30 years - well, parking tickets) before I left for Italy and now I have to get into to the circuit clerk's office and sign up for the class that keeps the insurance from spiking. Sigh. And it's only my second ever ticket. But speeding isn't good. And I'm working an extra evening and a few other things. So I hope it will quiet down by Thursday.

It is hard to get out and walk in the cold. I just haven't done it. I used the treadmill at the gym.

Have a good day tomorrow.

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