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Just a note

Four years, six months, three weeks, two days, 13 hours, 21 minutes and 6 seconds. 50,000 cigarettes not smoked, saving $8,749.42. Life saved: 24 weeks, 5 days, 14 hours, 20 minutes.

I was a moderate smoker. I smoked anywhere from 20–30 cigarettes a day. I know people that smoked 3+ packs a day & I can't imagine how many cigarettes they have not smoked since they began their quit. I have NOT smoked 50,000 cigarettes in 4 ½+ years. I can't imagine what kind of shape I would be in if I had smoked them. I'd probably be layin in a hole somewhere having selfishly denied my wife & children the benefit of my existence. But I'm I want all of you to know that it can be done & it does get better every day that you choose not to smoke. It doesn't hurt as I thought it would at first. I found that the only thing I was really afraid of was letting go. Not the urges that came with the quit but the idea that I could never smoke again. A dear friend told me how to deal with the urges but then she gave me the real ammunition against that ol nicodemon. Don't feel that you can never smoke again, KNOW that you will never HAVE to smoke again.

Make a real comittment. Protect your quit at all costs.
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