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Jennifer-Quit's Status Update on 02/12/2017

This is a test of the status update feature - not sure yet how people are notified - if at all.  Got a lazy day going on here in Arkansas - so feel free to join in and tell me how you are doing!
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12 Replies

Good afternoon Jennifer, I just happened to check the inbox and noticed your headline, I'm getting ready for a huge snowstorm overnight and tomorrow right straight through the wee hrs of Tuesday, ugh lots of wind and whiteout conditions so the weather warnings are saying but that's ok because we're as prepared as we can be in case of a power outage and Mason will probably be here tomorrow because my daughter and her man willstill go to work and so will my husband so I'll keep the wood furnace going, I'm so ready for Spring it's been a long February. 
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I am still sitting on my butt with a sprained ankle ---- and NOT dealing with it well!  I don't watch much TV, nor do I much like talking on the phone.  I have finished a book on my Kindle -and have played on my 'puter, and cleaned out most drawers/baskets and containers that needed it --- and NOW what, I ask??!!!  What I would usually be doing is going for walks - and going out with friends on walks, and walking to the village for coffee (do you see a pattern here???!).  I am like a duck 800 miles from water with clipped wings!!!  Hopefully this will mostly be over in a couple more weeks.....until then................................
​There are folks dealing with MUCH tougher issues, I KNOW and need to be thankful that is all with which I am

​(whine over!)
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I don't know how you do it Marilyn.  I am not much of a winter person anyway.  We haven't had any snow this year and that is unusual.  I do hope that we get one decent snow before spring.  I guess you guys use wood heat?  I am all electric and would be in a lot of trouble if the power goes out.
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YoungAtHeart how long before you ankle is back to 100%.  Are you still  planning on EX5?
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We do have electric heat but never use it but we're used to Wood heat ,a couple of wks ago we had a snapping cold night but the house was warm so we didn't stoke the fire before going to bed, the house was 52 °F in the morning. I got up to use the bathroom around 5 in the morning and checked the temp in the house so I went back to bed and snuggled under the covers and let my husband Mark get the fire going.We are fortunate if the power does go out plus we have a wood cook stove in the basement plus some solar panels which is great. YoungAtHeart,chin up and keep healing because you'll be up and going before long. 
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Did you see Sparky's blog - she was diagnosed  with colon cancer - so many sick people it is just sad.
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Oh my gosh NO, I I need to get to the other blogs and find it, oh geesh, this is awful thanks Jennifer. I got to go find it what's the title? 
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I found Sparky's blog  (Donna) I pray that she'll be A OK !
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​well -  they said 4-6 weeks and it's been 4 - so I'm hoping for just a couple more.  I HAVE been behaving --- hope it helps
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