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Hensley76's Status Update on 05/25/2020

The rest of me is saying OMG what are you doing. Triggers EVERYTHING!!!! I cant get in car to go anywhere because car doesnt crank before cigarette is lit, Phone rings first thing I do get a cigarette, get out of bed, eat  going to bed WOW  I. 
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2 Replies

Take a deep breath...have you done the must plan every moment...if you want a cigarette when you get on the phone, try to avoid the phone early in the quit, if you can't set up a puzzle and do it while you are talking, when you get out of bed, go for a walk, get in the car, take some hard candy and water and every time you have a trigger drink water or suck on you see...? This is a journey...You must be on top of your triggers when you can and when you can't get out of the situation...~ Colleen
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Welcome to the Ex.   I've just read your three posts so I'm trying to follow where you are.  Have you quit smoking are or are you still in the planning stag?.  What you're describing is what we experience when we quit smoking.  There are triggers, stressors, fears, etc.  That's why it's important to plan a head.  We need to learn new associations and behaviors that were linked to smoking.  Some quitters need to avoid some activities for a while, but have a plan for when you're in the car-I listened to music, chewed on straws, kept Sour Patch Kids in the car.  Whatever works for you.  You can search these topics on the site.  Our quits are individual, but the community has lots of good suggestions about what worked for them.  
​We're here to support you.  Just reach out.