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Gamb0414's Status Update on 09/17/2018

The coughing.  It makes me scared I wait too long to finish Ballet get in control.  2 days 14 hours.
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7 Replies

Are you saying you're coughing a lot since you quit?   If so, it's very common for your body to respond that way.  Congats on your 2 days.
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Barb: yes. I know I have to do this but it is scaring me this time. On top of that I’ve a head cold.  Coughing less than rhe weekend, but still hacking. 
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Community Manager
Community Manager

Confused at what you mean by "It makes me scared I wait too long to finish Ballet get in control."
EX Community Admin Team
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Bad typing. I waited too long to get control. Sorry about that

Gwyn Bissonette

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It is very common to cough a lot after you quit but if you have a head cold at the same time, you may need to slow down your activities and give yourself a chance to feel better.  I am a big fan of mucinex, the generic version, because it thins down any mucous and helps you to get it up.  I also recommend EmergenC with immune support but I don't take that at night because it wakes me up...not sure why.  Drink lots and lots of water, also orange juice if you can.  Be patient with your body, it has some recovering to do and it's cleaning house.  If you don't feel like you are improving in a day or so, I would have a doctor check you out and listen to your lungs and make sure you don't need something more, like an inhaler.  Whatever happens, not smoking is the best thing you can do for yourself.
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Ellen:  Thanks for the reach out.  I have been laying low.  Musinex and Lortadin D for the head cold.  I am feeling better today.  Still coughing but not as bad.

​4 DOF
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Keep up those fluids...they thin out the mucous too.  How annoying to get a cold early in your quit.  I had pneumonia but it was before I quit and I was so sick that I COULDN'T cough, I could not get enough air in to effectively cough, that's what smoking does...says the lady using a nebulizer right now.

​Congratulations on four days!  AWESOME!
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