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BarryS's Status Update on 04/09/2020

One week smoke-free! I'm expecting things to get harder now. I'm ready.
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Congrats BarryS
EX Community Admin Team
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Welcome to the Ex   BarryS   Congrats on 1 week smoke free.   You've successfully completed hell week.  My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX There are ups an downs on this journey, so if you didn't already,  create a quit plan it will help you through the various stages of quitting.  If you need encouragement or just want to share you're journey, just reach out.  We're here for you.

You are doing this quit and you're doing it one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time and you're making it deep breaths and keep moving forward stacking up those precious Days Of Freedom so each evening you can say YAY for another Day WON, you've got this quit firmly in your grasp believe it and we're all here to help you in any way we can.....
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Interesting.  You've quit for a week and expect things to get harder.  And are prepared.  You understand this journey.  Have done your homework.  You will succeed.  And you know what?  Because of your attitude - it just may NOT get harder!  Think about THAT!  You're doing great.  Keep doing it.

Three successful weeks in. I still think of smoking frequently, but have listed more excuses to NOT smoke than excuses TO smoke. I'm having the hardest time when I have to kill small amounts of time. I used to be able to kill 5 minutes or so with a smoke. Now I just get a drink of water or something. Still not the easiest thing in the world, but I'm getting through.

​I still fantasize about bumming a cig from a stranger. I don't want to get comfortable with approaching strangers ... and I know what it'll lead to (even if our current pandemic situation weren't going on) ... and I don't want that. So I continue avoiding people and chewing on Tea Tree Chewing Sticks and sucking on peppermint candy.
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Big congrats on three weeks smoke free.   You're doing great.  No bumming cigarettes.
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Obviously you're keeping doing it and doing it well  now three weeks in.  Good!  May I suggest when those "bumming fantasies" come in you catch yourself midstream and say "Oh oh!  Time to head in another direction."  As long we're cognizant enough to catch our smoking thinking, we can change it and re-focus.  This journey is in part all about changing our minds' focus at will.  It's a skill we learn during the process.  And it carries over into all the rest of our life.