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BLT612's Status Update on 01/09/2021

Having a very hard time this past year, have had several lapses and feeling very bad about it. I am blaming the stress of financially being forced to work during pandemic and all the other craziness in our country of late. I’m very depressed over the way we “essential “ workers are treated. I know ultimately I have no one to blame but myself but this really seems like an exceptionally hard time to stay smoke free.
5 Replies

Thank you BLT612 for showing up in hard times. Quitting is never easy, but getting the help you need in order to quit is something you can do--and congrats on that because you've come here looking for help. Stick around, read, share, get committed to showing up. One day at a time you can figure out how you will quit. Definitely take it one step at a time. 

Thank you for sharing and please NEXT time a crave HITS grab a lemon and bite into it peel and all - then breath 3 deep breathes and then drink some water the come here and blog let us know what going on so WE can HELP - please give us time to respond and please blog BEFORE you take that 1st puff over you

So sorry for all of the stress, being an essential worker is really difficult. My daughter is also an essential worker & she has been very stressed out. She asked me why essential workers are not being prioritized for the vaccine. I couldn’t tell her...then again, l am not sure anyone knows. Your quit has to be a priority to you, take care of yourself.
​Like indingrl  advised, bite into a lemon, rind & all, come here & blog. I ate Sour Patch Kids & drank lots of water.
​It will get easier, hang on.

Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.  There are other quitters here that have quit during the pandemic.  I commend them for their commitment to quitting.  If they can do it, you can to.  Educate yourself about nicotine and revisit your a quit plan.  Knowledge and preparation are so helpful for a successful quit.  There aren't many things we can't control right now, but quitting is one of them.  It will help to build your confidence now as you face this stressful time in all of our lives.  Identify those tools you're going to rely on when the going gets tough.  And remember, we're here for you.  Just reach out anytime you need support.
​Take the first step one day at a time

Thank you!