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AutumnWoman's Status Update on 01/10/2013

Hi and welcome to the EX Community! You have found a great place for information and support to quit smoking. Are you aware that preparation makes it more likely that your quit will be a successful one? We want you to succeed, believe that you can do this. So in that spirit, I'm here to offer some tips that can help you to prepare for some of the changes quitting smoking can bring. Work the EX Plan. Read as much as you can here (the blogs are a great resource). Do consider the quitting suggestions made by members -- you never know which idea(s) will work for you. Stay close to the community, especially in the beginning, for maximum support. Your input in this process is important, too. Ask questions, make comments, add friends and even start a blog to tell us a bit about yourself and your quit. Remember, there is nothing positive a cigarette can do for you, so don't miss this opportunity to break free! Hope we continue to see you around the site as your quit progresses. If you need to reach me, just click on my photo. That will bring you to my page where you can post a message on my board. Enjoy your day!
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