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Quitting tomorrow

I am determined to quit tomorrow. I feel so bad when I smoke and I know it’s killing me. No energy, depression, out of breath all the time. I have many stressful situations right now. Leaving a job and starting a new business. Bad relationship. However I know smoking is making things worse because my ability to deal is impaired by my poor health as a result of smoking. Any help or suggestions appreciated. 

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4 Replies

@Wennydog2 Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your quit tomorrow.  You made the best decision for you physical and mental health.  

No matter how you choose to quit, cold turkey or with aids, you need to educate yourself about nicotine addiction and have a quit plan. Many have found success with knowledge and preparation. It took me 50 years and many attempts to finally get it. I went into my quits blindly and was never successful. In addition to some aids for my final quit, I found the Ex a week prior to my quit. For the first time I learned how to quit and had the support that was always lacking.

This link is a great place to start.

Make the commitment and you can do this too. We're here to support you on your journey. So reach out anytime you need help, want to share your experience or to support fellow quitters. We're all in this together.  I'm so glad you found us!

Start your day by taking the Daily Pledge. It's a great way to stay on track on day at a time.

Stay busy and stay close.




You have some very good insight to nicotine addiction.  Make sure you refer to your letter, often.  The addiction will tell you otherwise, that you NEED it.  You don't need it, you never did.  Remind yourself that you are not giving up anything, but GAINING back control of your life.  Just before I quit, I watched alot of videos on the evils of smoking, so I would have fuel to get me through the difficult times (  I cut back on cigs, but that was a natural progression for me, others did not.  It is important that you have a go-to instead of nicotine....I wrote encouraging phrases over and over (until I found this site), read Allen Carr's book "Easyway to Quit Smoking" a good read!, crocheted, took relaxing baths, but distracted.  Learn and read.


@Wennydog2 How are you doing?



Let us know how you are doing @Wennydog2 ? We're all here to help you in any way we can!

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