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Could someone tell me what hoppened with my avatar?

I used to have about 10 pictures saved on here and a few were used as my avatar. Where did they go?


The picture below that says "MAIN AVATAR: above the top left corner?  It's a picture I used in a post I wrote.  

And was not chosen as my avatar by me.

I didn't choose ths.jpg

    So who is changing members avatars without consulting the members?

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15 Replies

This below was my avatar during covid. It was grouped with those 10 or so pictures.


a28326_hoggie face mask.png


Where s that grouping?  Where is Hoggie in the tree?

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The photos on my profile page are ones I have recently posted on blogs - none of my avatar pictures are there, either, although my avatar has not changed.

What's up @CommunityAdmin ?


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Community Manager
Community Manager

@JonesCarpeDiem Not sure how that might have happened. I'll see if support has any way of finding out though. Do you know when you first saw the change? Please include time. Was it right after you posted and used that picture in the post or later after that? 

EX Community Admin Team
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it would dishearten me greatly if my avatar is going to change at the whim of a person or AI. 

It would make everything feel less personal and more controlled by an outside person or force.

We should be able to choose the avatar that we want to represent us.

I would probably no longer participate.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@JonesCarpeDiem Understood. I need to know approximately what time you first saw it so I can ask the engineers to look to see if there are any logs that indicate who/what changed your avatar before that time. It appears that the current avatar image is used in the post

Please note that the EX Team would not change a user's avatar image unless the person requested it in the Avatar Quest or if the image that the user had selected was prohibited by our community guidelines. Neither of those two are in play in this situation so hopefully with an approximate time you first noticed it we'll be able to figure out how it was changed.

EX Community Admin Team

Well, it took about 30-45  minutes to discover then create and post the post.

I started going back through the 132 pages of photos looking for Hoggie in the tree before I realized I didn't want to look through 132 pages of pictures I had posted over the past 14+ years.

The picture of Hoggie with the mask was showing on one blog page and the smoky coat on my profile page.

I saved the one of Hoggie with the mask by opening it in another tab hoping it would not disappear before I saved it.  I then took a screen shot of the smoky coat image after opening the image in a new tab.

Is that enough detail?

There must be a time stamp somewhere of when I first posted the query.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Okay I'll have them look from about 8pm Pacific time last night back in time and see if anything can be figured out.  

I did find that image on this page of your album 

So it's still there and was imported from Jive over to Khoros. Because it was imported to Khoros there is not likely a history of previous avatars used on Jive. I'm guessing you haven't updated your avatar since we moved from Jive on 3/17/21 and I'm not sure either if Khoros organizes and maintains an avatar history. We'll see what we can find out.

EX Community Admin Team

Yes, the picture of the mask on Hoggie was on page 45. The picture of Hoggie in the tree is on page 92.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@JonesCarpeDiem wrote:

Yes, the picture of the mask on Hoggie was on page 45. The picture of Hoggie in the tree is on page 92.

Once the investigation is done are you hoping to go back to Hoggie in the tree as your avatar? 

I only looked up to page 45 to find the masked Hoggie photo. I hadn't looked up to page 92.

BTW, your newer images uploaded to Khoros will have the date they were uploaded and may link to the place where they are used on the site. Images that were uploaded on Jive and before will have a date of 3/15/21 which is when the Jive, elgg and Ning posts and included images were imported into Khoros. 

EX Community Admin Team
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