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Top Places choice - who decides?

I made the mistake of going to my profile page and actually examined it.  The largest box is the picture box on the upper right.  Really?  And if you don't have any pictures, then it's just a big blank grey box.  I guess if photos is the largest box, that does truly indicate that this has become a social media site.

Then I went further trying to find the content I had featured before.  Had to scroll down past the reward summary,  but I did find it.  At least one of the things I had up there.  I don't quite remember putting the Elder's List as one of my featured content, but perhaps I'm wrong about that.  Find it kind of interesting that the reward summary comes above our featured content.  Personally, I rather feature my content than my rewards.  But - that's just me.

And then I looked at the "Top Places" category and noticed it said "E-Cig and Vape Quitters and Users."  Interesting.  I have earned 0 points in that group in the past 30 days let alone hardly visited that group.  And thus my question.  What parameter is being used to determine what a member's "Top Place" is?  I have certainly spent a LOT more time in other areas of this site than THAT and would certainly prefer, if I had a choice, to illuminate those places.  

It doesn't really matter.  It is what it is.  Just sitting here shaking my head.

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I agree - it shows my recent activity was 3 years ago?  

Isn't there a log that needs your chain saw waiting?


Maybe these are all computer generated from an algorithm hidden in code somewhere in the computing g**ble-de-g**k - probably in a section adjacent to the code that makes gobble-de-gook something that needs asterisks!  The code was re-jiggered when they figured out a way to give us access to our pages and redesign happened, I'm guessing,  and these new formats, design and selections are the result?  idk!

I noticed the blog and contents started by JACKIE1-25-15 are now part of a group, "Exercise and Health" in which I am a leader.  Never visited a group with that title in my life here!

Enjoy your day, anyway!


You two have not been paying attention.  These things have always been here.  Just redesigned to not be so bored with the same old pattern. lol.  It is what it is and was just turned upside down with a bigger picture.   Exercise and Health Group has ALWAYS Been here. lmho Giulia   I believe Mark determines what is featured.  If you go to your activity feed you can see which of your blogs have been featured. 

0 Kudos

JACKIE1-25-15 wrote:

 Exercise and Health Group has ALWAYS Been here. 

Yes since the move it has. I don't know when it was created after the community began in March 2008 however. It likely had a different name and then became Exercise and Health in the move.

JACKIE1-25-15 wrote:

I believe Mark determines what is featured.  If you go to your activity feed you can see which of your blogs have been featured. 

On the homepage yes.  In Celebrations and Community Help and select other places yes.  But for the most part I have not designated featured content on the site and I don't select featured content on user's profiles, other than my own. Things get featured on your own profile if you designate it yourself. I think the limit is 2 pieces of content on the other profile layout. Anything else is determined automatically by an algorithm. 

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team

YoungAtHeart wrote:

The code was re-jiggered when they figured out a way to give us access to our pages and redesign happened, I'm guessing,  and these new formats, design and selections are the result?  idk!

I noticed the blog and contents started by JACKIE1-25-15 are now part of a group, "Exercise and Health" in which I am a leader.  Never visited a group with that title in my life here!

Enjoy your day, anyway!


You've posted comments in JACKIE1-25-15‌'s discussion Let's Get Moving Part 3 . Even though you've maybe not ventured into the group, the discussion Jackie created exists in that group and so it's calculating participation in that group. With the move I aggregated posts from various  related groups into that group. It looks like you have 167 points for discussions/blogs in that group in the last week, 366 in the last month and 2,640 for all participation ever which probably counts participation from before we moved though I can't be sure. I think it did count as the data was imported.

The current profile layout is a really old format that is focused more towards collaboration within a company. I don't see configuration options on my end. I was glad we could get the profiles working again as an interim solution until they get the newer layout working again. I don't determine what is featured. It may be doing that automatically or it might be pulling in information and designations from the newer profile but the controls to modify those user selections are missing now. Hopefully the newer profile layout will be restored soon. There are some things I do like about the new profile and ofcourse things I don't.

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team
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When I go to my home page Giulia it no longer shows my picture, but is grey...I am not sure what happened ? 

Happy Sunday Giulia ... you bring up very good points...

sweetplt wrote:

When I go to my home page Giulia it no longer shows my picture, but is grey...I am not sure what happened ? 

Happy Sunday Giulia ... you bring up very good points...

It's showing profile picture instead of your avatar in the profile. I'm guessing you don't have a profile picture uploaded.

EX Community Admin Team
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Community Manager

Giulia‌ To get the profiles working we had to revert to a legacy profile layout.  I have no idea on the logic behind the auto selection.  


EX Community Admin Team
Not applicable

I think I get it . Much of this whole set up and format is more info or data for collection but also of course to help people quit smoking , however , if they are looking for what helps smokers quit( from this quitters eye view ) I think most of us would agree to keep it simple .

Too much is too much . It loses taste and focus . 

I used to read every post and every post within a post for years , I've written thousands upon thousand of posts (   a lot of time on my hands  being sick ) and I had so much passion and interest in helping pay it forward  because others helped me .  I can tell you I could have got any addiction agency a lot of data from that daily reading alone without a ton of filters .  Same time involved. Filters don't make it easier in my opinion for anyone . Too much is too much headache,I would far rather them have a Q and A where we can have a voice . It's a money saver and a time saver . 

Everything one who posts to their blogs IS their top content . It was important for them to write about it and share either to help themselves , others, or both .  The ones I felt I wanted to share most with others are now buried somewhere that I can't even find them myself lol and ones I care less about are considered their top content . I should be able to manage and choose how my blogs are prioritized because if I feel it's important to me then I feel it might help someone else too or something I may even have to revisit myself . ( maybe I am able to shift them around not sure )  I understand you can put a link if you think it might help someone else but I don't know how to do that and again it's more more more .. I would have never done it as a newbie if I'm struggling now .  

My quit was 80 percent testimony and discussion that helped me the most . 

20 percent was social aspect , distractions and incentives . 

Two categories . 

Now that may not be the same for everyone , in fact it may be that 80 percent incentive , distraction and socializing may be the most important tool for others but my experience showed those who just socialized without applying knowledge were more likely to continuously slip . 

Still two categories. 

Formats should be simple .  If we can work together  a bunch of addicts all together in one place in a simple format we will remain successful quitters in the outside world . Ya ? 

I am grateful for this site , for our moderator , grateful for the people behind the scenes who likely have a set of their own frustrations too . 

One thing I was taught is always to be grateful and content with what we have . Right now this is what we have and I'm content and grateful . 

